2011年10月13日 星期四

MS SQL DataTypes QuickRef


 Character (and binary) field lengths are given in CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH.

CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH contains the field's length in bytes.

Numeric column precision and scale are given by NUMERIC_PRECISION and NUMERIC_SCALE, respectively.

Finally, IS_NULLABLE denotes whether the field may contain null values.

ADO OpenSchema adSchemaProcedureParameters=26
The ADO OpenSchema method returns incomplete info in the DATA_TYPE column for many data types.

The COLUMN_FLAGS field is not available.

The TYPE_NAME column returned for stored procedure parameters can be used for accurate type information.

The smallmoney NUMERIC_PRECISION is less than 19, distinguishing it from money.

The smalldatetime datatype cannot be distinguished from datetime (but the former is of limited usefulness given the range, so is perhaps best avoided).

Defaults are indicated by PARAMETER_HASDEFAULT and available in PARAMETER_DEFAULT.

PARAMETER_TYPE is the direction of the parameter: adParamInput=1, adParamInputOutput=3, adParamOutput=2, adParamReturnValue=4, or adParamUnknown=0.

Character (and binary) field lengths are given in CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH.

CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH contains the field's length in bytes.

Numeric column precision and scale are given by NUMERIC_PRECISION and NUMERIC_SCALE, respectively.

Finally, IS_NULLABLE denotes whether the field may contain null values.

