2012年1月5日 星期四

datatable 加記錄資料

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
' Get a DataTable instance from helper function.
Dim table As DataTable = GetTable()
    End Sub


    ''' Helper function that creates new DataTable.

    Function GetTable() As DataTable
' Create new DataTable instance.
Dim table As New DataTable
' Create four typed columns in the DataTable.
table.Columns.Add("Dosage", GetType(Integer))
table.Columns.Add("Drug", GetType(String))
table.Columns.Add("Patient", GetType(String))
table.Columns.Add("Date", GetType(DateTime))
' Add five rows with those columns filled in the DataTable.
table.Rows.Add(25, "Indocin", "David", DateTime.Now)
table.Rows.Add(50, "Enebrel", "Sam", DateTime.Now)
table.Rows.Add(10, "Hydralazine", "Christoff", DateTime.Now)
table.Rows.Add(21, "Combivent", "Janet", DateTime.Now)
table.Rows.Add(100, "Dilantin", "Melanie", DateTime.Now)
Return table
    End Function

End Module

